Metall Ball Reunion 2007

These are the shots from Greg Acampora's camera.
Please feel free to right click on any image and save to your computer.
Please send me yours as well and I will post them - Mick

Tattooed Ass Grab






Chuck - Shelly



Eli - Shelly



Goose - Shelly - Jeff Leigh



Greg - Brad



Greg - Jodi - Shelly



Greg - Jeff Leigh



Greg - Jeff Leigh



Greg - Jeff - Mick Moore



Greg - Rob Moore



Greg - Brad



Jeff - Greg - Rob Moore 



Jill Pagluso - Shelly Carlson



Jorge Palacios - Greg - Brandy



Jorge - Jill - Shelly



JR - Dave Zimmerman - John Perry - Jeff Haight



JR - Goose - Shelly - Dave Berris



Larry Rivers - Shawn Hoyle - Terry Rivers



Manisha Moore - Scott Miller - Shelly Carlson - Mick Moore



Mr. Jeff Leigh



Unknown Party Guest



Unknown Party Guest



Unknown Party Guest



Suspicion Reunion



Suspicion Reunion



Brad - Guest



Guest - Brad - Guest 



Guest - Brad - Guest



Rob & Catherine Moore



Scott Miller - Shelly Carlson - Mick Moore



Shelly Carlson - Donna



Shelly Carlson - Donna



Shelly Carlson - Jill Pagluso



Shelly Carlson - Jill Pagluso



Shelly Carlson Loves Beer



Shelly Carlson Sneer



Zippy - The Cured



Zippy - The Cured



Chuck - Zippy - The Cured



The Cured



Zippy - Chuck - The Cured 



Zippy - Chuck - The Cured



Zippy - The Cured



Zippy - The Cured



Zippy - The Cured 



Tommy Roulon - Greg Acampora



Tommy Roulon - Greg Acampora



Zippy - Greg Acampora




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